Woebot Health - Benefits, Capabilities and Prices

Woebot is your companion for mental well-being. With scientifically backed principles and AI capabilities, it helps you find peace of mind. Rely on its guidance to regain your natural self.
Price Model:
  • Free

Woebot Health Features

Some of the features of Woebot Health are:

  • Woebot: A chatbot that helps users cope with stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health challenges through friendly conversations and evidence-based tools. Woebot is available as a mobile app or a web platform, and can be used anytime and anywhere. Woebot gets to know the users through quick check-ins and suggests clinically-tested techniques to try, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, gratitude and more. Woebot also provides feedback and progress tracking to help users monitor their mood and goals.
  • Woebot for Organizations: A suite of solutions that help payers, providers and integrated healthcare businesses offer personalized mental health care to their members. Woebot for Organizations includes:
    • Woebot Connect: A platform that connects users with licensed therapists for live video sessions, while also providing access to Woebot chatbot for ongoing support.
    • Woebot Care: A program that integrates Woebot chatbot with existing care ecosystems, such as employee assistance programs, primary care providers or behavioral health specialists. Woebot Care helps users navigate the care journey and stay engaged with their treatment plan.
    • Woebot Insights: A dashboard that provides data and analytics on the mental health status and outcomes of the users, as well as the usage and satisfaction of the Woebot solutions.
  • Woebot Labs: A research and development arm that creates new products and solutions tailored to specific mental health needs, such as postpartum depression, substance use disorder, bipolar disorder and more. Woebot Labs collaborates with academic institutions, clinical experts and industry partners to conduct rigorous studies and trials to validate the effectiveness and safety of the Woebot solutions.

Who is best fit for Woebot Health

  • Individuals: Anyone who struggles with stress, depression, anxiety or other mental health challenges can benefit from using Woebot.
  • Organizations can benefit from using Woebot for Organizations, a suite of solutions that help them offer personalized mental health care to their members.
  • Students: Students who face academic pressure, social stress, or emotional difficulties can benefit from using Woebot. Schools can also refer students to Woebot for preventative use or as a supplement to existing mental health services.
  • People with specific mental health needs: People who suffer from postpartum depression, substance use disorder, bipolar disorder or other specific mental health conditions can benefit from using Woebot Labs, a research and development arm that creates new products and solutions tailored to their needs.

Woebot Health Pricing Options

Woebot chatbot for individuals is free to download and use. The other solutions for organizations, such as Woebot Connect, Woebot Care and Woebot Insights, have a cost that is not publicly disclosed on the official website. You may need to contact Woebot Health directly to get a quote for these solutions.

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