Spirit Me - Features, Similar AI-Tools, Pricing

Spiritme.tech is a platform for instant video production with digital avatars. You can type any text and it will generate a video where you say it with your appearance, voice and emotions. It has a unique technology in the avatar market called Dynamic facial expressions engine. It offers simple, transparent pricing with monthly, yearly and prepaid options
Price Model:
  • Paid
  • Free Trial

Benefits of Spirit Me

Some advantages of using Spiritme.tech include the ability to generate videos cheaply and quickly for any business 24/7. You can talk to your customers using a human face by just writing the text. It’s a perfect helper for digital celebrities or bloggers as you can digitize anyone and generate more content without human problems. It’s also a tool to engage your communications and can be used to personalize video ads and mailing lists.

Some key benefits of using Spirit Me AI for your needs are:

  1. You can create a digital avatar of yourself or anyone else to monetize their online appearance and generate more content without all these human problems.
  2. The AI will create a new video with your appearance, voice, and emotions.
  3. The app uses a “dynamic facial expressions engine”, which makes avatars more alive and believable.
  4. You don’t need any special equipment or a lot of time, an iPhone is all you need.

Spirit Me Pricing

Spiritme.tech offers simple, transparent pricing with monthly, yearly and prepaid options.

  1. The monthly subscription costs $69 per month and includes 1 custom avatar and 10 minutes of video per month with dynamic facial emotions. There is a 50% discount during early access.
  2. The prepaid option is designed to suit your needs and has different prices for minutes and avatars. For example, 10 minutes cost $30 USD and 1 avatar costs $500 USD .

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