Natural Language Playlist : Features, Pricing Options and Useful Links

Do you want to discover new music that matches your mood, taste, and preferences? Natural Language Playlist is a website that uses advanced AI models to generate playlists from natural language queries. You can type anything you want, from genres and moods to lyrics and features, and get a playlist of songs that suit your query. Natural Language Playlist is a fun and easy way to explore the rich and complex relationship between language and music.
Price Model:
  • Free

Natural Language Playlist Features

    • Transformer language models generates playlists from natural language queries.
    • Allows users to search for songs based on genres, moods, lyrics, features, popularity, era, decade, year, etc.
    • Provides links to Spotify and YouTube for each song in the playlist.
    • Cover art and metadata for each song in the playlist.
    • It supports multiple languages such as English, Spanish, French, German, etc.

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