Huru - Benefits, Features and Pricing

Huru is an AI-driven app that assists job candidates and students in preparing for interviews by providing personalized practice interviews, instant feedback, and access to more than 20,000 prepared questions and answer guides. The app extracts questions from job postings on popular job boards and offers high-quality feedback on users' responses, including their exhibited personal traits and tips for enhancing their performance. It also allows users to record their interviews, provides guidance on structuring their answers, and assesses their likelihood of being hired.
Price Model:
  • Paid
  • Free Trial

Huru Features

  • Customized interviews: offers customized interviews that are tailored to your specific job requirements. You can choose from a wide range of interview questions and customize them to suit your needs.
  • Instant feedback: provides instant feedback on your answers. You will receive precise AI feedback on your answers, boosting your confidence and helping you learn from your mistakes during every interview.
  • +20K questions prepared: has over 20,000 questions prepared for you to practice with. This ensures that you are well-prepared for any interview.
  • Answer guide: provides an answer guide that helps you structure your answers and highlight your interview skills.
  • Interview tips for every question to help structure answers and highlight interview skills: provides interview tips for every question to help you structure your answers and highlight your interview skills.

Who is best fit for Huru

  • Job seekers who want to improve their interviewing skills
  • Candidates who want to prepare for real-life interview situations
  • Students who want to practice interviews.

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