Detect GPT : Best Fit, Pricing, Useful Information

Use Detect GPT to determine if online content is AI-generated. The tool scans webpages and analyzes the text to identify if it was created using the GPT language model. Verify suspicious articles to see if they're the product of a machine.
Price Model:
  • Free

Detect GPT Features

DetectGPT is a powerful and easy-to-use Chrome extension that helps you spot AI-generated content on the web. Whether you are a researcher, a journalist, a student, or a curious web surfer, DetectGPT can help you verify the authenticity and originality of the content you encounter online. Here are some of the features of DetectGPT that make it a valuable tool for anyone interested in AI:

  • AI Content Detection: DetectGPT uses advanced AI technology to analyze the content on your screen and determine if it was generated by an AI writing tool such as ChatGPT or GPT-3. It can detect content from various sources, such as websites, blogs, social media posts, emails, and more.
  • Color-coded Icon: DetectGPT shows you a color-coded icon on your browser toolbar to indicate the likelihood of the content being AI-generated. The icon can be green (low probability), yellow (medium probability), or red (high probability). You can also hover over the icon to see the exact percentage of AI probability.
  • Right-click Scan: DetectGPT allows you to scan any text on any webpage by simply right-clicking on it and selecting “Scan with DetectGPT”. This way, you can quickly check any suspicious or interesting content without leaving the page.
  • Manual Check: DetectGPT also lets you paste any text manually into the extension and click “Check Content” to see if it is AI-generated. This is useful for checking content from other sources, such as documents, PDFs, or offline files.
  • Page Scan: DetectGPT can also scan the entire page you are visiting and show you the results in a table. You can see which parts of the page are likely to be AI-generated and which are not. You can also click on any part of the table to highlight the corresponding text on the page.
  • No Account Needed: DetectGPT does not require any account or signup to use. You can install it from the Chrome Web Store and start scanning right away. DetectGPT respects your privacy and does not collect or store any of your data.
  • AI Trained on Popular NLP Models: DetectGPT’s AI is trained to identify content generated by widely used NLP models in popular AI writing tools. It has been proven accurate for the following NLP models: ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, GPT-3, GPT-J, GPT-NEO, and GPT-2.

DetectGPT is a must-have Chrome extension for anyone who wants to stay informed and aware of the impact of AI on online content. With DetectGPT, you can easily spot fake or misleading content and avoid falling for AI-generated scams or misinformation.

Who is best fit for Detect GPT

DetectGPT is a useful Chrome extension for anyone who wants to detect AI-generated content on the web. AI-generated content can be produced by various AI writing tools, such as ChatGPT or GPT-3, and can be found in various sources, such as websites, blogs, social media posts, emails, and more. AI-generated content can have various purposes, such as spamming, misleading, plagiarizing, or entertaining. DetectGPT can help you verify the authenticity and originality of the content you encounter online and avoid falling for AI-generated scams or misinformation. Some of the categories of people who will benefit the most from using DetectGPT are:

  • Researchers who need to find reliable and accurate information for their projects can use DetectGPT to check the sources and references they use. DetectGPT can help them avoid citing AI-generated content that may contain errors or biases.
  • Journalists who need to report on current events and trends can use DetectGPT to check the credibility and validity of the content they find online. DetectGPT can help them avoid spreading AI-generated content that may be fake or misleading.
  • Students who need to write academic papers and assignments can use DetectGPT to check the originality and quality of their own work. DetectGPT can help them avoid plagiarism and improve their writing skills.
  • Web users who are curious and interested in various topics can use DetectGPT to check the authenticity and quality of the content they encounter online. DetectGPT can help them avoid being fooled or entertained by AI-generated content that may not be true or realistic.

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