Cody - Features, Pricing, Alternatives

Cody is an AI designed to overcome ChatGPT's shortcomings and offer enhanced employee-like abilities. It can be customized for specific business requirements and read uploaded documents to source information. Cody is ideal for task automation, productivity improvement, brainstorming, tech support and employee training. Additionally, its answers can be traced back to their sources.
Price Model:
  • Freemium

Cody Features

  • Intelligent AI assistant: Cody can understand natural language and provide relevant and accurate answers to your business questions. Cody can also help with creative work, such as writing emails, generating content, or designing graphics.
  • Customizable knowledge base: You can upload any document to Cody and it will automatically analyze and integrate the information into its knowledge base. You can also control which sources Cody uses in each chat and how it prioritizes them.
  • Source attribution: Cody always provides the sources it used to come up with each answer, so you can verify its accuracy and reliability. You can also access the original documents for more details or context.
  • Efficiency and productivity booster: Cody can help you save time and money by automating tasks and streamlining processes. Cody can also provide insights and recommendations to help you make better decisions and optimize your performance.
  • Support and troubleshooting: Cody can help you solve any issues you encounter with your digital tools or systems. Cody can also guide you through the features and functionalities of your software or hardware.
  • Idea generator and advisor: Cody can help you brainstorm ideas and give suggestions for any project or challenge. Cody can also provide feedback and advice based on your goals and preferences.

Who is best fit for Cody

  • Business owners and managers: Cody can help you run your business more efficiently and effectively by providing answers, insights, and recommendations for your business questions and challenges. Cody can also help you automate tasks, streamline processes, and optimize performance.
  • Employees and team members: Cody can help you work smarter and faster by providing support, guidance, and assistance for your work-related tasks and projects. Cody can also help you troubleshoot issues, learn new skills, and brainstorm ideas.
  • Freelancers and entrepreneurs: Cody can help you grow your business and achieve your goals by providing creative solutions, feedback, and advice for your business ventures and opportunities. Cody can also help you create content, design graphics, and generate leads.
  • Students and learners: Cody can help you excel in your studies and learning by providing answers, explanations, and resources for your academic questions and topics. Cody can also help you write essays, summarize articles, and translate texts.
  • Hobbyists and enthusiasts: Cody can help you pursue your passions and interests by providing information, suggestions, and inspiration for your hobbies and activities. Cody can also help you make music, draw pictures, and write poems.

Cody Pricing Options

  • Free plan: You can use Cody AI for free while it is in beta testing. You can upload any document to Cody AI and use it as an intelligent AI assistant for your business. You can also use Cody AI for personal use in and in the VS Code extension. You can get up to 100 chats per month and up to 10 documents per chat.
  • Basic plan: You can upgrade to the basic plan for $29/month and get access to more features and languages. You can use Cody AI for more advanced tasks and projects, such as writing code, designing graphics, or creating content. You can also get more detailed explanations and feedback from Cody AI. You can get up to 500 chats per month and up to 25 documents per chat.
  • Pro plan: You can upgrade to the pro plan for $99/month and get access to even more features and languages. You can use Cody AI for more complex tasks and projects, such as coding, making graphics, or producing content. You can also get more comprehensive explanations and feedback from Cody AI. You can get up to 1000 chats per month and up to 50 documents per chat.
  • Premium plan: You can upgrade to the premium plan for $249/month and get access to all the features and languages. You can use Cody AI for any task or project you need, such as coding, making graphics, or producing content. You can also get unlimited explanations and feedback from Cody AI. You can get unlimited chats per month and unlimited documents per chat.
  • Enterprise plan: You can contact the enterprise team for a custom solution for your business. You can get end-to-end AI services and customized models that integrate with your existing systems and processes. You can also get expert support and training from the Cody AI team. The pricing for this plan depends on your specific needs and requirements.

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