CheckForAI - Benefits, Features and Pricing

Our tool detects AI written text in essays and emails with high accuracy using Open AI's Roberta-base model and our proprietary models. With this, we can prevent plagiarism and ensure academic integrity, improving education's quality.
Price Model:
  • Free

CheckForAI Features

CheckForAI is a website that offers a free and easy way to analyze any text document and find out if it is likely to be AI-generated or edited. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a marketer, a journalist, or anyone who cares about the quality and integrity of your content, CheckForAI can help you verify your sources and avoid penalties from search engines and publishers.

CheckForAI uses a hybrid implementation of Open AI’s roberta-base detection model with their own proprietary AI to scan your document and give you a score based on how similar it is to the style and patterns of AI-generated content. You can also see which parts of your document are most suspicious and why.

Some of the features of CheckForAI are:

  • Free and unlimited: You can use CheckForAI as many times as you want without paying anything or creating an account. Just upload your document or paste your text and get instant results.
  • Fast and accurate: CheckForAI can process your document in seconds and give you a reliable score based on the latest research and data on AI-generated content. It can detect various types of AI models, such as ChatGPT, GPT-3, Grover, etc.
  • Detailed and informative: CheckForAI not only gives you a score, but also shows you which sentences or words are most likely to be AI-generated or edited, and explains why. You can also see the original source of the AI model if available.
  • Educational and helpful: CheckForAI can help you improve your writing skills and avoid plagiarism by showing you how to spot and avoid AI-generated content. You can also learn more about the technology and ethics behind AI-generated content from their blog and resources.

CheckForAI is created by a Stanford Online High School student who wanted to help educators and students regain trust in their work and prevent academic dishonesty. It is also supported by a team of experts and advisors from Stanford University, Princeton University, Open AI, and other organizations.

Who is best fit for CheckForAI

CheckForAI is a website that can help anyone who wants to verify the authenticity and originality of their online content. Some of the categories of people who can benefit from CheckForAI are:

  • Students: If you are a student who writes essays, reports, assignments, or any other academic work, you can use CheckForAI to make sure that your work is not plagiarized or influenced by AI. You can also use CheckForAI to check the sources that you use for your research and avoid using AI-generated content that may be inaccurate or misleading.
  • Teachers: If you are a teacher who grades or reviews students’ work, you can use CheckForAI to detect if any of the work is AI-generated or edited. You can also use CheckForAI to teach your students how to spot and avoid AI-generated content and promote academic honesty and integrity.
  • Marketers: If you are a marketer who creates or uses online content for your business or clients, you can use CheckForAI to ensure that your content is original and engaging, and not copied or manipulated by AI. You can also use CheckForAI to analyze your competitors’ content and see if they are using AI-generated content that may harm their reputation or credibility.
  • Journalists: If you are a journalist who writes or publishes online articles, stories, or news, you can use CheckForAI to verify that your content is factual and trustworthy, and not fabricated or altered by AI. You can also use CheckForAI to check the sources that you use for your reporting and avoid using AI-generated content that may be biased or false.
  • Personal/Business Users: If you are a personal or business user who writes or receives online content for any purpose, such as emails, messages, reviews, summaries, etc., you can use CheckForAI to confirm that the content is genuine and authentic, and not generated or edited by AI. You can also use CheckForAI to learn more about the technology and ethics behind AI-generated content and how it affects your online communication and interaction.

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