CAREERDEKHO Ai - Important Features, Pricing, Useful Tips

CareerDekho is a career discovery tool that uses AI to provide customized career recommendations to users. It offers free services like a detailed career path from college to job, a one-on-one career discovery session, and user reviews. This tool is designed to empower users to take charge of their career paths and find a profession that matches their interests and values.
Price Model:
  • Free


  • Personalized AI career suggestions: Matches users with careers based on personality, values, interests, and skills.
  • Detailed career path from college to job step-by-step: Provides information on the education, skills, certifications, and experience required for each career.
  • Free 1:1 call with a career discovery session: Offers a free consultation with a career expert to help users explore their career options and get guidance.
  • User reviews: Allows users to read feedback from other users who have used the tool or pursued the same career.


Who is best fit for CAREERDEKHO

  • Students and job seekers looking for a career that aligns with their interests and values.
  • Career changers seeking guidance on new potential career paths.
  • Educators and career counselors aiming to provide personalized advice to their clients.

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