RestorePhotos - Benefits, Features and Pricing

RestorePhotos is a website that leverages the power of AI to bring your old and blurry face photos back to life. Whether you want to preserve your family memories, restore your historical photos, or enhance your selfies, RestorePhotos can help you achieve that with ease.
Price Model:
  • Free

RestorePhotos Features

  • RestorePhotos completely free and simple to use. You don’t need to install any software or create an account. You just need to upload your photos and let the AI do the magic.
  • It can fix various kinds of damages on your photos, such as scratches, stains, tears, and folds. It can also improve the quality of your photos by enhancing the sharpness, contrast, and color.
  • You can generate multiple versions of your restored photos for you to compare and choose from. You can also adjust the settings to fine-tune the results according to your preferences.

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