Useful Insights, Tool Features, Pricing is a social media management platform that harnesses the power of AI to generate high-quality content from longform text, videos, and podcasts. This tool uses AI to create engaging and relevant content that resonates with people. It automatically dissects any longform content into multiple social media posts that are tested for optimal engagement. can also repurpose content from various languages. Its aim is to assist users in creating compelling social media content that drives engagement and unlocks the potential of longform content.
Price Model:
  • Paid
  • Free Trial

Features of is an AI-powered content repurposing engine and a social media management, employee advocacy and sales enablement syndication platform.

Some of its features include:

  • Pinpoints the ideas, words and phrases that will get any target audience to click, like or share
  • Learns the unique voice of any brand or individual and transfers the style of that voice into social posts
  • Splices up longform text, audio or video content into dozens of high-performing social posts
  • Generates social posts from text, video and audio
  • AI messaging reviews to ensure every social media post complies with your brand and messaging guidelines

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