How to use AI in planning? 4 services-administrators

How to use AI in planning? 4 services-administrators

Who this article is good for

    • Startups
    • Development teams
    • Marketing teams
    • Functional departments
    • Management teams

Companies that miss deadlines on projects, don't keep track of tasks, and don't document meetings are rarely successful. AI services help businesses with work administration. They handle the schedules of all employees and don't miss important things. In this article we will tell you about four AI services that help not to forget about deadlines:

  1. Magical
  2. Motion
  3. Kronologic
  4. Clockwise

1. Magical

To the website of the tool

Magical is a service that allows you to manage team schedules and calendars right on your website using AI.

What does AI service Magical integrate with?

  1. Notion 
  2. Zoom
  3. Google

Useful features of AI service Magical:

  • all functions are encoded in keyboard shortcuts, you don’t need a mouse

  • there are smart reminders of upcoming meetings

Use Cases of Magical

1. Finding the best time for a meeting

Problem Solution from Magical
A team of 20 people can’t coordinate meeting times on a flexible schedule The Dynamic Availability feature compares schedules of multiple team members and finds free meeting slots

2. Forming an agenda

Problem Solution from Magical
Employees have a lot of meetings, get confused about topics and calls are unproductive The AI generates a meeting agenda based on the topic and purpose of the meeting, and sends it to the participants

3. Documentation of meetings

Problem Solution from Magical
After the meeting, all conclusions and assigned tasks are lost Magical transcribes the meeting in writing, highlights what's important, and sends a brief synopsis of the call

2. Motion

To the website of the tool

Motion is an AI service that combines a calendar, a project planner, an assistant in organizing online meetings and a task manager for each employee

Useful features of Motion: 

  • If a team is running late, the service sends alerts in advance

  • You can see the projects that are running in parallel

Use Cases of Motion

1. Record documentation

Problem Solution from Motion
The team leads dozens of projects, losing and confusing important information on them All notes, schedules, deadlines and edits for each project are stored in one place

2. Determining employee workload

Problem Solution from Моtion
The team leader doesn’t know who to assign a task to and whether it will be possible to meet the deadline Each employee’s to-do list is visible and it is clear whether the team members will be able to complete the tasks on time

3. Kronologic

To the website of the tool

Kronologic is an AI tool that keeps employee and team schedules, communicates with customers and helps scale the business.

Use Cases of Kronologic

1. Maintaining a call schedule

Problem Solution from Kronologic
Team has 10+ online customer meetings per day and no unified scheduling system Service creates a schedule of meetings and reminds participants in advance

2. Increasing conversion of new customers

Problem Solution from Kronologic
Many customers who are new to the service don’t sign up for a product presentation for a long time and drop out of the sales funnel Service automatically offers a time for the first appointment to new customers, which increases conversion rate

3. Single platform for work

Problem Solution from Kronologic
It is inconvenient to write a meeting plan in Google Docs, make calls in Zoom and send an invitation via Gmail You can quickly create meetings, invite participants, and automatically generate an agenda right in your browser

4. Clockwise

To the website of the tool

Clockwise is an AI schedule planner that runs a flexible administration system, allocates time for employee focus and makes teams more efficient

Use Cases of Clockwise

1. Accounting for employee personalities

Problem Solution from Clockwise
There are “owl” employees and “lark” employees. Their productivity at certain times of the day determines the effectiveness of a meeting Clockwise takes into account the ability of each team member to work at a certain time of day and adapts their schedules in the best possible way

2. Time allocation for one task

Problem Solution from Clockwise
Employees can’t focus on the main task and are often distracted by side tasks Clockwise schedules time to fully focus on one main task and does not schedule meetings for that period

3. Full concentration on the meeting

Problem Solution from Clockwise
The team gets a lot of notifications during the meeting, which distracts participants. However, there are important messages that cannot be missed Clockwise disables notifications from certain apps and messengers for the duration of calls and focus periods

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