How to optimize email marketing with neural networks

How to optimize email marketing with neural networks

​ Who this article is good for

    • sales managers
    • contenmanagers
    • email marketers
    • Online retailers who collect customer emails

Making email marketing more effective with AI

The power of AI in email marketing is almost unlimited: you can generate rich text messages in minutes, send emails to thousands of customers at once and generate personalized offers based on the learned personal information.

Tool Feature
1. Setting up a cold mailing
2. Sending notifications of mentions to famous people
3. AtOnce full-service email marketing
4. Salesforge account generation

1. How to increase cold email views:

To the website of the tool is a service for customizing cold emails to customers that increases views and conversions by analyzing recipients' LinkedIn profiles.

Collecting data on leads

Problem Solution from
Company doesn't have enough information about its target audience so it can't generate a personalized offer Service analyzes personal information of client on LinkedIn and generates an email based on his interests

Minimizing time spent on writing the newsletter text

Problem Solution from
Writing a letter and selecting different products for different target groups takes 3 hours or more Writing a letter using one-line code takes 1 minute, and a CSV-formatted letter is generated in 5 minutes

2. How to increase brand awareness:

To the website of the tool is a service that scans social media or blog content, finds the names of famous personalities, and sends them notifications of mentions. AI is useful to increase brand awareness and improve reputation.

Increasing overall link volume in search engine rankings

Problem Solution from
News agency is not ranking well in search engines, not making it to the top positions in search engine rankings Using the service increases the likelihood that the people mentioned above will share content, thus increasing the number of links and increasing the trust of search engines

Optimization of mentioning notifications mailing

Problem Solution from
Company sends texts to mentioned people for approval, this takes a lot of time Service searches for contact information, generates a template, updates the links and sends the emails by itself

3. How to set up full-service email marketing: AtOnce

To the website of the tool

AtOnce is an AI service for email marketing: creates selling texts for cold email newsletters, responds to emails and comments in seconds, and generates relevant email subjects that ensure a high likelihood of views

Full-service AI-based email marketing

Problem Solution from AtOnce
Lack of skilled professionals to handle all email marketing tasks The AI service is trained on 1.7 billion SEO articles and solves all email management tasks, from pre-sales to dealing with warranty issues and handling critical reviews

Increasing conversions

Problem Solution from AtOnce
Company invests heavily in email marketing but doesn't get the results they want Service based on accumulated data picks up the perfect headline to increase email views and conversions

4. How to create a mass mailing list: Salesforge

To the website of the tool

Salesforge is an AI service that generates an unlimited number of accounts to expand audience reach and send thousands of emails simultaneously.

More emails sent

Problem Solution from Salesforge
A company that specializes in email marketing spends too much money and time on constant account signups Service automatically registers mailboxes at Google, Zoho and Outlook, and sends thousands of emails

Single mailbox for browsing replies

Problem Solution from Salesforge
Company using multiple e-mail addresses to send out, wastes too much time authenticating and also risks missing important message Replies from a dozen accounts are displayed in a single window

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