AI services for insurance business: review of 3 neural networks for effective work

AI services for insurance business: review of 3 neural networks for effective work

3 AI services that will make the work of insurance companies easier

Neural networks in insurance companies improve communication with clients, optimize sales plans and contain a large knowledge base for quick and accurate answers. In this article we will consider 3 services with which an insurance agency will work even more efficiently.

  3. Accrete

1. is an AI service that optimizes customer and employee experience using GPT-3 and other LLM technologies. It acts as a digital assistant and customer service, and optimizes sales.

Assistance in choosing a product

Problem Solution from
Customers can not choose a suitable insurance option on the site, there is a large percentage of rejection of visitors The service recommends a suitable insurance policy based on previous purchases, conversation history and chat mood analysis

Preparing a commercial offer

Problem Solution from
Insurance agents spend a lot of time researching the client's business, preparing a personalized offer, and guiding the client through the sales funnel answers customer questions, collects data from the niche, generates a commercial proposal, freeing up employee time to find new customers

Communicating with clients

Problem Solution from
Clients often have questions about the meaning of complex insurance terms, and there is no free manager on staff to answer The service explains the meaning of professional terms in an easy-to-understand chat, which reduces client churn and increases loyalty

2. is a full-cycle AI service that covers all areas of an insurance company: from customer onboarding and increasing customer loyalty to forecasting sales and increasing profits.

Servicing of loyal clients

Problem Solution from
Regular customers need to be reminded to renew their subscriptions, tell them about new offers, and keep records Service automatically sends letters, tracks the status of each client and systematizes statistics by period and project

Working through objections

Problem Solution from
Negative reviews remain unanswered for a long time in the mail, customers leave handles objections, gives advice on fixing problems, and redirects difficult cases to managers

Sales planning

Problem Solution from
The company cannot predict how many insurance policies it will sell in a month, it does not keep records of sales through different channels AI systematizes data on insurance sales in recent periods, analyzes market trends and forms a plan

3. Accrete

Accrete — ИИ-сервис для брокеров, поставщиков услуг и страховых агентов.

Record Keeping

Problem Solution from Accrete
One part of the documents is kept in paper format, the other in electronic format. There is often confusion at the wrong time The service digitizes documents and exports all important papers into a single BI space

Generating reports

Problem Solution from Accrete
Generating reports for top management takes a lot of time, it is difficult to analyze big data Service creates convenient charts, dashboards and infographics for a given period or client

Tracking important metrics

Problem Solution from Accrete
The company often misses the emergence of new customers in the market and spends a lot of time analyzing the market The service sends template search queries to always be aware of changes in the niche, and notifies about important things by mail

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